SIPA STORIES: SIPA missed connections
Photo by Chenyu Guan on Unsplash
By Jake Indursky (MIA ’23)
Hey, it’s me, Josh. From your Conceptual Foundations discussion. We made eye contact when I said it’s impossible to disentangle U.S. humanitarian intervention from the imperialist, colonial system that it created and continues to perpetuate.
Yeah, I know, I thought it was a good point too.
Well anyway, I really liked the radical outlook you brought to our discussion, and I’d love to talk more at you about my thoughts on the international system.
It’s just, with the spring semester starting, and people talking about internships, there are a few things that might come up.
Well, for one, you might hear that I got a job at the Department of Defense. Yeah, in the drone division. Now, before you say anything — I really prefer to hear me say things anyway — I think to make any real transformational change, it has to come from inside the system.
No I know, the actual WORK is evil, but I think I can do more damage (to the system, not affected countries I mean) by organizing from the top down.
And what, did you want me to work at Deloitte instead? I’m not a corporate sellout!
Why did I even apply? Oh, well, funny story — I actually didn’t apply, I was referred. By whom? Well, also a funny story, my grandpa is Karl Rove. We call him Papa Ro Ro.
I know, I know, but you can’t choose your blood and I mean - he actually has a really nice summer compound, you should come check it out sometime!
Wait what? Where are you going! Will I see you at the communist book club next week? I was going to read an excerpt from a Malcom X speech I found online and talk over all the people of color! Come back!
Jacob Indursky is a contributing editor and a first-year Master of International Affairs student concentrating in Urban Policy.